More on Martin’s smear of Sarah Palin.  I’m not disputing that there was an anonymous source that said this crap to Jonathan Martin.  I just question the extent, influence and integrity of the little worms who like to run their mouths but not stand by their words.  In my last post on this and the following quotes proves that Martin is either  1. a liar or 2. his source(s) are liars and he’s a sorry excuse for a journalist for not checking it out.

Following up on my original piece I said I wanted to follow up with a statement from Matt Strawn, the chairman of the Iowa Republican Party:

All Iowa Republicans should be grateful for Governor Palin’s support for the Iowa GOP and for making our annual Reagan Dinner a record-breaking success. The funds raised at the dinner featuring Governor Palin supported a voter program that will benefit all our Republican candidates.

So whatever gutless wonder is talking to Jonathan Martin needs to stop whining.  The sentiment of the party chair carries more weight with me than some nameless hack.

Then the President and  CEO of the Southern Republican Leadership Conference, Charlie Davis, said about his experience with Governor Palin:

As you know the 2010 SRLC was the largest Republican Leadership Conference in 30 years, with more speakers, more press and more attendees than ever before. Governor Palin’s staff was incredibly easy to deal with and very professional.

I interacted with every major GOP personality in the country leading up to the conference and can tell you first hand that the only thing different about Governor Palin was the intensity of the interest from the attendees, sponsors and even other speakers.

She’s easily the most requested surrogate our party has and it’s a shame that Republicans would rather gripe that they can’t get more of her time instead of being appreciative of everything that she does do.

Yes she just bring ruin and chaos to every event she participates in.  Again she rakes in people and money – stop complaining!  If people even realized how many requests that she gets she can’t possibly do them all. 

Then with interviews, Martin’s “sources” say she likes to back out of interviews:

According to a source familiar with the situation, she backed out of planned interviews with conservative talk-show hosts Sean Hannity and Mark Levin the morning she was scheduled to talk to them. And her multiple schedule changes so annoyed Glenn Beck that he finally decided not to have her on his radio or TV show to promote the book.

Mark Levin called him out saying that was a complete lie on Twitter:

image No way, Jonathan Martin of POLITICO lie?

Glenn Beck calls him out as well (courtesy of Palin TV):

I think it’s time for Mr. Martin to find another line of work.

Update: Welcome Big Journalism readers.

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