My clients at Goranson Consulting and my work with American Principles Project have been so focused this election cycle on religious liberties, parental rights, and education reform that my attention has almost solely been there as well.  Though I’ve appreciated the efforts of local and national groups to get the message out about the Judicial retention vote on the back of every Iowan’s ballot this year, it hadn’t captured my attention until Pastor Cary Gordon jumped into the fray a few weeks ago.

His first big public splash in the arena of Judicial retention was in his effort to line up over 200 pastors committed to preaching about the importance of a “No” vote on the Supreme Court Justices in the weeks leading up to the election .  That effort basically dared the IRS to come after his church for breaking an administrative rule prohibiting most political speech by pastors.  The rule was pushed by a bigoted and narcissistic Senator named Lyndon Johnson that has been largely unchallenged by the church community since.  If pastors can’t preach on elections and their impact on Judeo-Christian values than we need to revisit taxpayer support for departments within State and Federal government that spend much of their time undermining Judeo-Christian values too.  I applauded Cary Gordon for his efforts.

My applause turned into a standing ovation this week.  He posted this MP3 clip on my Facebook Wall today and he commented, “Here’s the most important 2 minute sermon I’ve ever preached.”  You might be right, Cary.  And God bless you for it.  He also has a website up.

As I look at my children and the culture they are going to inherit, I’m grateful for men like Cary Gordon, the individuals on the “Judge Bus” tour motoring across Iowa this week, and groups like S.T.A.N.D. They are doing what they can to bring the discussion back to the basic principles of our Republican form of government and touting the true value and meaning of our Declaration and Constitution.

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