Sarah_Palin_Fox_NewsWell if former Governor Sarah Palin (R-AK) decides to run for President it won’t be because her heart isn’t in it.  Speaking with Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren last night she was asked about former Governor Mike Huckabee’s decision not to run, Van Susteren wanted to know if she had the “fire in the belly.”

Palin said:

I think my problem is that I do have that fire in my belly. I am so adamantly supportive of the good traditional things about America and our free enterprise system and I want to make sure that America is put back on the right track and we only do that by defeating Obama in 2012. I have that fire in my belly.

She said there were several pragmatic things she needed to look at including her large family and the sacrifices that they would have to make if she did run.  This interview was probably the most frank discussion she has had on the matter of a potential 2012 run.

It’s apparent that she hasn’t ruled running out, and this indicates for me that there is a desire there.  Perhaps there will be a decision soon.

You can watch the entire interview on 2012 below here or below:

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