Tea Party darling Michelle Bachmann has had two main jobs, politician and tax collector.

Bachmann is a tax lawyer.  Now there are two kinds of tax lawyers, the good kind and the bad kind.  The good kind helps individuals find legal ways to minimize their tax burden, the bad kind works for the government, seeking to suck every available cent out of the taxpayers… Michelle Bachmann was the latter.  She -describes her only non-politician job, as a “federal tax litigation attorney”.  Most would skim right over that without giving it much thought, but it turns out that it is code for tax collector.  

The Wall Street Journal has a very interesting quote explaining her reasoning for going into such a profession:

Ms. Bachmann has said she had no particular interest in tax law but moved into the field at the direction of her husband, Marcus.

” ‘Tax law? I hate taxes. Why should I go do something like that?’ ” Ms. Bachmann said in 2006 remarks at the Living Word Christian Center in Brooklyn Park, Minn., recounting a conversation she had with her husband. “But, by faith, I was going to be faithful to what God was calling me to do through my husband, and I finished that course of study.”

Now I can’t argue with God, but really?  God called her to be a tax collector?  Interesting…well, we know that Matthew was a tax collector, but Jesus called him out of that dishonest line of work.

We in Iowa pride ourselves in vetting the presidential candidates (sorry about Obama, kinda dropped the ball on that one), we like our first in the nation status.  Hmm, we have a politician and tax collector leading our most recent Iowa polls.  Politician and tax collector…politician and tax collector… politician and tax collector… maybe we should move on.

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