As we are celebrating the day of our independence, many of us are also contemplating who we should support in the next presidential election.

Although certainly not an absolute prerequisite, a majority of the men who have served in the nation’s highest position had military service.

In fact, 31 of our 43 presidents have served in the military. In the last 60 years the following have served in uniform; Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, Reagan, and both HW and W Bush. Among recent presidents, only Obama and Clinton have failed to serve. Recent candidates McCain, Kerry, Gore, and Dole all served as well.

As we find ourselves involved in conflicts across the globe, active in two ground wars (Iraq, Afghanistan), one air war (Libya), and at least two drone wars (Yemen and Pakistan), the need for military experience in a commander-in-chief could not be greater.

Of the current GOP presidential candidates, only one has served the nation in the military, Ron Paul.

That is right, the one candidate most vocal in opposition to our nation’s wars is the only candidate with past military service. Having been at war, a Vietnam era veteran(see comment section below), he knows what it means to send other’s children to the killing fields, and he doesn’t like it.

Like the majority of Americans, he wants to see these wars come to a quick and decisive end, and he has the experience needed to make that withdraw as smooth as possible.

During his 2008 Presidential run, Ron Paul enjoyed immense support from military personnel, garnering more contributions from military personnel than any other GOP candidate.

Military service of the men vying to be the next commander-in-chief:

Ron Paul served as a flight surgeon in the Air Force from 1963-65, and then in the Air National Guard from 1965-68.

Romney: no military service

Huntsman: no military service

Pawlenty: no military service

Santorum: no military service

Cain: no military service

Bachmann: no military service

Gingrich: no military service.  Actually he avoided the draft because he was in college, the same way Clinton avoided the draft and some call him a draft dodger.  What was Newt doing in college?

The only presidential candidate with military experience Ron Paul has a question for you…what if?

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