Caffeinated Thoughts has been told through reliable sources that a debate focused on national security issues will be held on Saturday, November 12 at Wofford College in Spartansburg, SC hosted by the South Carolina GOP.  I’ve been told that CBS will air the debate.

We’ll provide more details as we receive them.  This is the first debate that will exclusively focus on national security issues.  This should be good news for former Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-GA) and great news for former Senator Rick Santorum (R-PA).  Both are versed on the subject, but this is an area where Santorum can really shine. 

This particular debate could end up being a nightmare for Texas Governor Rick Perry, well all debates have pretty much been a nightmare, but this is not his area of strength.  Herman Cain is another person who should be nervous.  While he has shown improvement over the last couple of debates I doubt he’ll perform well in a debate that is entirely focused in his area of weakness.  Congressman Ron Paul will only be seen to perform well in this type of debate by those who already support him.  He’ll likely turn off everyone else.  His answers on Iran and 9/11 in the Fox News/Iowa GOP Debate are what likely cost him a victory at the Ames Straw Poll.

Congresswoman Michele Bachmann, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, and former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman could also perform well.  On issues of national security none have bombed, but they haven’t been overly impressive either.  Gingrich and Santorum could really shine – now we’ll see how many questions they actually get to answer.

This should be interesting.

Update: CNN announces a national security/foreign policy debate on November 15 in Washington, DC.  This is cosponsored by the Heritage Foundation and American Enterprise Institute.  So unless there will be two debates on national security so close together it’s quite likely the only thing I got right here is the topic.  I’ll stick to my analysis though.

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