I guess the tactics will always be with us.  “Iowans” for Christian Leaders in Government turns it sights on Rick Santorum.  Really?  Who is behind this group?  They went after Newt Gingrich and while I didn’t disagree with the content, I have a huge problem with the methods.  Identify yourself, stand by your words.  I don’t have any problem criticizing a candidate, but I have a byline.  We don’t know who this group is working for.  I agree with Kevin Hall, I find it interesting that Ron Paul hasn’t been attacked by this group.  He’s right that such attacks won’t sway Romney supporters.

I’ve sent emails to this group on several occasions, and have yet to receive a reply.

Stranger yet is the anonymous group that lacks the creativity of coming up with their own name.  They have attacked Newt Gingrich earlier and now they are bashing Rick Santorum using the name of a local organization Iowans for Life.   Iowans for Life released a statement condemning the action:

Iowans for Life is not responsible for producing or distributing disparaging material toward Senator Santorum, just as there was no involvement by the organization in the recent negative flyer effort targeting Newt Gingrich at a pro-life event in Des Moines,” the organization added. “As the longest standing pro-life organization in the state, Iowans for Life has a full history of providing education and awareness on the sanctity of human life. This education is fact-based and character attacks are not something the Iowans for Life organization would have any part in.

I have a gut feeling it is the same group (or campaign) behind both of these, especially since they’re going after the same candidates.


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