Grand View Christian School held their first prayer meeting at Norwoodville Elementary where they will hold classes this fall.

A group of Grandview Park Baptist School alumni and parents organized because of concern that the decline in enrollment at the preK-12 Christian school run by Grandview Park Baptist Church could lead to the school being unable to maintain a high level of excellence, proper management, and the future sustainability of the school. They met to pray and to consider what they might be able to do to extend the school’s ministry and mission into the future.  The school which has operated since 1972 is the only preK-12 Christian school in the Des Moines Metro area operated by a single church.

Randy Knode, president of the new Grand View Christian School Association, told Caffeinated Thoughts that they invited the church to work with them, but were declined.  The group then concluded that the best means of providing for their children’s education was to reorganize as an independent Christian school located on the eastside of Des Moines.  “We wanted to put together an organization that had the proper financial foundation in order to pursue quality Christian education on the east side of Des Moines,” Knode said.

Grandview Park Baptist School has announced that they will be closing at the end of this year due to their enrollment decline.


The new Grand View Christian School, a new preK-12 Christian School will launch classes next Fall.  They have purchased the Norwoodville Elementary School building from the Saydel Community School District and seek accreditation from the Iowa Department of Education.  Ryan Fry, who serves on the association’s board of directors, told Caffeinated Thoughts that they would also eventually seek accreditation through a 3rd party accrediting body such as the Association of Christian Schools International.  The Iowa Legislature last year passed Independent Accreditation which allows non-public schools have a 3rd party accreditation and still have access to School Tuition Organization scholarships and textbook and transportation monies earmarked for non-public schools.

The school on their website, describe themselves as “a body of brothers and sisters in Christ bonded by our desire to continually follow God’s direction in our lives.  He has led us to provide world-class, Christian education in the city in which He has placed us.  The Vision is focused on the east side of Des Moines.  Our goal is to do everything we can in this endeavor to further the Glory of God and his Renown.”

The board of directors announced that the new school has 230 already registered for classes in the fall.  The school will offer next fall Early Childhood – 3-5 years; Lower Elementary – Kindergarten-2nd Grade; Upper Elementary – 3rd – 5th Grade; Middle School – Grades 6-8; and High School – Grades 9-12. Classes will begin on August 18, 2014. In addition to providing a “world-class” Christian education, Grand View Christian School (GVCS) will offer a wide range of technology, art, music, drama, and athletic programs.

Registration remains open for all grades but some classes are nearing capacity for the 2014-15 school year. A registration discount is offered for students registered before May 1, 2014. Tuition assistance is currently available on a “first-come, first-served” basis for qualifying families who registered for the 2014-15 school year. For further information, please visit the website, www.grandviewchristianschool.org and click on the “Register Now” button or call the school office at (515) 724-3091.

“We’ve seen God at work and see his hand in this,” Knode added.

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