When it comes to healthcare reform.  Canada’s system has been lauded as a model by Michael Moore, President Bill Clinton, President Barack Obama, Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and a whole host of Democrats.  It must be great.  Right?

Well, M. Hovda recommended a Stephen Crowder video yesterday called “Why CanadaCare Sucks… Will ObamaCare Be Any Better?,” great video, go watch it.  Informative and entertaining. Update, now have it embedded below:

HT: Steven Crowder at Big Hollywood

Crowder was interviewed by Neil Cavuto yesterday.

HT: Big Hollywood

And this is the model for the Democrat healthcare plan. Brilliant.  Just as brilliant as thinking that “we have to go spend money to keep from going bankrupt,” according to Vice President Joe Biden.  How cares that the CBO is saying that if we pass this healthcare bill we’ll go bankrupt.

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