Sarah Palin is Fox News’ newest contributor, and she debuted this week.  I know some of my readers don’t have cable or don’t get Fox News, so I wanted to share her interviews this week.

She did her first interview as a Fox News contributor with Bill O’Reilly on Tuesday.  Calling out Schmidt and addressing tea party keynote speaker’s fee controversy. (which would this be an issue if it were anyone else?  That would be no.)

HT: Conservatives 4 Palin

I enjoyed Governor Sarah Palin’s interview with Glenn Beck yesterday (first face to face interview, and it was the whole hour), here it is below:

HT: Freedom’s Lighthouse

Josh Painter posted Glenn Beck’s thoughts on his interview with Sarah Palin from the radio today.

She then was on Hannity tonight.

HT: Conservatives 4 Palin

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