
I’ve been watching the coverage from both sides on ObamaCare and what it means for the average American.  You can sum up the arguments on both sides like this:

  1. Conservative/Libertarian: ObamaCare unconstitutionally requires individuals to purchase a product to maintain their good standing as a citizen.  It’s expensive, we don’t have the money, private industry satisfied the needs of most Americans fine, and those that need help were getting it.  Further reform should include incentivizing charity and private participation in meeting needs.  Illegal aliens shouldn’t be included outside of lifesaving measures.
  2. Liberal/Socialist: Government is the only entity that can take care of people, history doesn’t matter, and no amount of money is too much.  We’ll borrow more from our comrades in China to pay for it.

They largely left my high deductible insurance and HSA alone, thank God, and I’m grateful that I have work that helps our family avoid overly-regulated insurance companies or the public dole.  What’s really disturbing is that England and Canada, among other places, are looking to return their socialized health care to the private sector.  Socialism doesn’t work.

You absolutely MUST view this PDF that outlines ObamaCare graphically.  No one is arguing whether it’s accurate.   The only argument is whether its absurdity resonates with you or not.

This whole thing reminds me of this article from  King George and the English oligarchy knew better than to tax inactivity.  Obama and today’s uber-liberals don’t.  Is it time for a revolution in how Washington D.C. does business?

Elections matter.

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