Sarah Palin Schools The Media On Paul Revere

It’s of the same quality as Sarah Palin’s “party like it’s 1773”…

Republican Ruling Class Refuses To Understand

Hot Air Headlines title of Washington Post article: GOP wonders: Can we…

Why Only A Conservative President Will Do: Land Grabs

Here is one of many reasons why merely defeating Obama isn’t good…

Robert Reich: Utter Fool Or Abject Liar? You Decide

Things Robert Reich does not understand: The TEA Party movement Conservatism Economics…

Pragmatically Pragmatic or People With Principles

Lets be pragmatic so we can be pragmatic because it’s the pragmatic…

Where I Review The Voyage Of The Dawn Treader

I had earlier written about the two previous Chronicles of Narnia movies…

NARAL Starts Photo Propaganda Campaign On Flickr

And the announcement goes viral among Pro-Lifers. The announcement came yesterday, from…

Little Miss Attila Writes About Dressing Modestly

Little Miss Attila, who is no “right-wing fanatic” (unlike me), has a…

My Take On The Republican Presidential Field

(Let it be known I’m a Sarah Palin supporter so I view…

The Bible Says Don’t Judge, Right? (Originally published last year on TBD)

Reprinted due to search engine interest. Note: these are the opinions of…

Challenge Nightcruzr And Get Your Google Account Locked Up

I covered it here and here. Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion covered it here. Little…

Mitch Daniels Appointee Effectively Eliminates Fourth Amendment

In Indiana, you no longer have Fourth Amendment protections. You no longer…

ALERT!!! Google Abuses Ann Althouse UPDATE!!! Nightcruzr, the Google tech guy, gets absolutely crushed!

Go to Patterico’s Pontifications to see the play-by-play. Also, check out this…

In Which I Declare My Candidacy For US President

Being over 35 and a natural born citizen, the son of two…

America’s Problem Is Republicans And Religion

Those Republicans refused to Compromise in the 60s and it’s all been…

The Inventory Tax: Everybody Loses

From I have found that at least 3 states of the…