Christmas Under Marx and Lenin

Christians in the former Soviet Union exhibited bravery and courage in confronting communism’s anti-Christmas campaign.

Trump Congratulates China on 70 Years of Communism

Shane Vander Hart: President Donald Trump, the leader of the free world, congratulated China on 70 years as a Communist country.

Lessons from Past Ought to Inform America at the Crossroads of the Future

Jeremy Taylor: The lessons of history seem lost on the desire of the Left to promise that socialism holds the keys to a greater prosperity.

We Must Not Forget the Dark and Evil History of Communism

John Hendrickson: Ideas have consequences and the dark history of socialism and communism should not be forgotten or treated lightly. 

8 Questions To Ask Before You Support An Anti-Establishment Candidate

John Gustavsson offers eight questions that Christians should ask and have answers to before they support any anti-establishment candidate.

Atheism, Communism, Nazism: Understanding The Connection

Marx viewed religion as something negative to get rid off, and his followers certainly tried their best, criminalizing religion and killing millions.

Response to Tom Harkin’s Praise of Cuba

U.S. Senator Tom Harkin (R-Iowa) returned from a trip to Cuba and…

We’re From the Government, and We Are Here to Help You: The Lingering Effect of Communism

God has given us many means to help the poor, the widow,…

Better Red Than Dead?

During the Communist threat several decades ago, people consoled themselves with this…

Pro-Communism Flyer Handed Out at Roosevelt High School in Des Moines (Updated: Roosevelt High School responds)

Why is a pro-Communist flyer getting passed out to students at Roosevelt High School in Des Moines?

American Independence And The Struggle For Survival

As we celebrate American Independence, it is important to know what it…

Is Capitalism the Cause or the Solution to the Financial Crisis?

Glenn Beck, the Religious Left and Social Justice

Glenn Beck stirred up some controversy this week when he made the…

Christianity & Communism

Some in the religious left who embrace ideas like wealth redistribution under…

The Cuban Toilet Paper Crisis

The Cubans lack toilet paper reports the Miami Herald: The toilet paper…

Chavez Shout Out to “Comrade” Obama

Venezuela’s President Hugo Chavez must be jealous that he doesn’t own a…