Franklin Graham’s Dangerous Double Standards

Adam Graham: Due to Franklin Graham’s prominence, he’s being held up as proof we Christians are all hypocrites by secularists and atheists.  And you don’t have to be a radical atheist to see the unfairness of holding Trump to a lower standard than the church holds the average person.

Timothy Gloege Gets Evangelicals Wrong

Collin Brendemuehl: All of us who are evangelical — pentecostal, fundamental, reformed, Anabaptist — we all share in something that lets us fellowship. Of course, we don’t agree on all of it. But we do share in Christ and common core truths.

Prayer and Fasting to Prevent the Impeachment of Donald Trump?

Shane Vander Hart: Christian psychologist and radio personality Dr. James Dobson called for a day of prayer and fasting in order to prevent the potential impeachment of President Donald Trump. Is this something we should pray for?

Why Do Evangelicals Tend to Be Politically Conservative?

Collin Brendemuehl: It is not that conservatism and evangelicalism go hand-in-hand. There is no theological or political bond between them. Evangelicalism existed before conservatism and will exist after it is gone.

What A Reformed Perspective Can Teach Fundamentalists and Premillennial Evangelicals

Collin Brendemuehl: There is a lot of good reading in Kuiper’s works. The premillennial theologian might learn something for his correction and improvement.

Politics and Our Christian Witness

Shane Vander Hart: As Christians participate in the public square what does our participation say about our witness for Jesus Christ?

Bob Vander Plaats: Focus on Cultural Transformation, Not Politics (Video)

Bob Vander Plaats: “The Gospel of Jesus Christ is much bigger than any candidate and much bigger than any political party and it should not be reduced to such.”

Ben Sasse: The Challenges We Face Are Bigger Than Government

U.S. Senator Ben Sasse (R-NE), speaking in Des Moines, IA, highlighted three problems that Americans face in the future that government can not fix.

Four Quick Thoughts About Charlottesville

Shane Vander Hart provides some thoughts about the violent clash between Alt-Right protestors and Antifa counter-protestors in Charlottesville, VA.

Evangelicals Need a Course Correction

Shane Vander Hart: Evangelicals need a course correction after 2016 when polls showed many evangelicals changed their beliefs to accommodate a candidate.

Barna Poll: Four out of 10 Evangelicals Won’t Vote for Clinton or Trump

The Barna Group in a survey released this week found that 43 percent of evangelicals polled said they would not vote for Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton.

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Stands Up for Biblical Human Sexuality

InterVarsity Christian Fellowship decided it will dismiss any staff who say they support same-sex marriage or disagree with biblical view of human sexuality.

Caffeinated Thought of the Day: Apostasy and Mainline Christians

Brian Myers: It took generations for the apostasy of mainline Christian denominations to wreck the spiritual foundation of the culture, but it is complete.

The Des Moines Register’s Transgender Agenda

The Des Moines Register this year has been pushing an agenda to normalize transgender persons in the state, and have pushed a wider LGBT agenda much longer.

Unlike Frank Luntz, I Have Hope for Millenials

Frank Luntz declared that Republicans have lost the Millenial generation, but those who engage, inspire and challenge Millenials will make inroads with them.

Four Greatest Risks of Evangelical Leaders Backing Donald Trump

Adam Graham: Christian leaders endorsing Donald Trump will be making a horrendous mistake. They should instead encourage Christians to vote their conscience.