Baby, It’s Cold (No Hot!) Outside

There is very little reliable historical data and attributing every extreme of weather to climate change is not reasonable, not science, and not honest.

2013 A Bad Year for Obamacare Abortion Pill Mandate

Washington, DC – 2013 proved to be a bad year for the…

U.S. Government Funds Manufacturing Jobs Overseas

By Tom Pauken A government-guaranteed loan to a so-called green energy company…

Exclusive: Interview with Brad Zaun – Republican Challenger in Iowa Third Congressional District Race

I had the opportunity to interview a number of the gubernatorial candidates…

Where’s Colin Powell on School Choice?

Ken Blackwell had an interesting article today at the Patriot Post entitled…

First 2012 TV Commercial: Hillary Clinton for President

The first 2012 commercial is for somebody who has said she has…

I Think We’ve Established Obama is Not Superman

It’s too bad he positioned himself as such. The Weekly Standard quoted…