I’m normally don’t put up this many videos or even do this many political posts in one week, but after the RNC I’m sure a slow down a little.  After the election I’ll slow down a lot.  As you know Governor Sarah Palin has been getting smeared.  At least the MSNBC reporter in the video below was asking about her resume and not her teenage daughter. 

Two problems with MSNBC (well there is more, but only two I’ll address here) – was how this question was phrased.. “to be fair her resume is one we are not used to seeing.”  Huh?  Governors run all of the time.  The second problem is that they didn’t question Senator Barack Obama’s experience – he hasn’t completed one term in the U.S. Senate and has been running for President for most of the time.

The video below made me laugh out loud – I’ve never seen a reporter silenced like this, but Former Speaker Newt Gingrich made mincemeat out of Ron Allen.  Classic.

He didn’t answer the question because he couldn’t.  Not one piece of legislation was authored by the junior senator from Illinois.  Not one major accomplishment even while he was in the Illinois Senate.  He hasn’t stood up to any corruption within his own party, and believe me –  when I lived in NW Indiana we heard about a ton of corruption in the Chicago political scene in both parties.  Nothing.

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