The following video made me mad.  I was deeply saddened by it.  Nowhere  should this ever be allowed to happen, let alone the United States.  It is Infantcide.  It should be considered murder.  It is also something that Barack Obama didn’t feel needed to be stopped through legislation proposed in Illinois.

You see much rhetoric and verbal gymnastics from the Obama campaign over his record on the Illinois Born Alive Act (I’m reminded of another politician who did that successfully).  Here are the facts behind what Obama did not what to support, and here you can read his actual record on it.  Requiring medical care for infants born alive after an abortion attempt should have bipartisan support.  The federal bill did pass unanimously with Senators Barbara Boxer (D-CA) and Ted Kennedy (D-MA) speaking in support of it (was signed into law on August 5, 2002).  It was identical to the Illinois version that Obama voted no on.

HT: Matt Reisetter for the video.

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