The brouhaha over President-Elect Obama’s choice of Pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church in Forest Lake, CA, and author of The Purpose Driven Life, to give the invocation at his inauguration is mind-boggling to me. Because he supported Proposition 8, he in the minds of the homosexual community, is unfit to pray. Ok then. Same old, same old, yarn – because you don’t support gay marriage you are a homophobe. You are a hate monger, etc., etc. Yawn.
In the midst of all of this Warren gives an interview with Ann Curry.
ANN CURRY: Your position [on gay marriage] has raised the spectre that you are homophobic.
Warren responds with a hearty laugh.
CURRY: You laugh, but that is why gay people are angry.
RICK WARREN: Well, I could give you a hundred –
CURRY: Are you homophobic?
WARREN: I don’t know any church in America that’s done more to help the gay community, particularly with AIDS, than Saddleback. But the hate speech against me is incendiary.
CURRY: If science finds that this is biological, that people are born gay, would you change your position?
WARREN: No, and the reason why is because we all have biological predispositions. I’m naturally inclined to have sex with every beautiful woman I see. But that doesn’t mean it’s the right thing to do.
Transcript HT: Cassy Fiano
Watch a video of this exchange: