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The Florida Public School Parent Privacy Invasion Act of 2012

Florida State Representative Kelli Stargel (R-Lakeland) introduced the HB 543: “Parental Involvement and Accountability in the Public Schools” Bill in the Florida House (SB 944 in Florida Senate) which represents an expansion of Big Brother government.

The Growing Tide Against National Education Standards

The American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) met last week in Scottsdale, AZ. …

Emmett McGroarty in Townhall: Education Revolution… Without the People?

Emmett McGroarty, one of our contributors, and the Preserve Innocence Executive Director…

Common Core Proponents Attack HSLDA Documentary on Common Core

HSLDA released Building the Machine, a documentary on the Common Core, and Gates-funded Common Core advocates are worried enough to retool their message.