At the National Governor’s Association the economy and Porkulus has been at the forefront.  The Washington Post reports on a rift that is happening among GOP ranks (between the true fiscal conservatives and RINOs).

Some prominent Republican governors, including Louisiana’s Bobby Jindal, Mississippi’s Haley Barbour and South Carolina’s Mark Sanford, said they will reject portions of the stimulus funding, putting them at odds with their GOP counterparts from such large states as California and Florida.

Asked about Jindal’s and Barbour’s pledges to turn away stimulus funds aimed at expanding state unemployment insurance, California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger quipped, “You just tell them that anyone that doesn’t want to take the money: I’m ready to take their money and rebuild California.”

Yes, Arnold because the State government has done oh so well before.  The most interesting “exchange” has occurred when President Barack Obama in response to the debate going on within the GOP Governors’ ranks.

Obama, speaking this morning to the National Governors Association, said “healthy debate” keeps his administration on its toes. But he also said the debate has centered on a tiny sliver of the overall package.

“This sometimes gets lost in the cable chatter,” he said. One example: He said governors worried about expanding jobless benefits to part-time workers have a legitimate concern about how to sustain the expansion after the stimulus money runs out — but far more of the money is targeted to people who already are eligible.

Governor Bobby Jindal of Louisiana responded to the dismissing of the legitimacy of the debate they are having as “cable chatter.”

HT: Hot Air

I think President Obama just got schooled.  Great response by the youngest Governor in the United States.  Much like Governor Sarah Palin (who isn’t at the NGA) did and who has been the standard bearer for fiscal conservatism regarding the stimulus package.  

Hmm… I’m thinking Palin/Jindal in 2012 has a great ring to it.

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