Former Arkansas Governor and Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee sent an email to his supporters regarding the Iowa Supreme Court decision to legalize same-sex marriage.

I wanted to get this news to you immediately. The Iowa Supreme Court, in a unanimous decision, struck at the heart of the family in Iowa and indeed in the whole country. The ruling, which, will be viewed as a victory for the gay rights movement, should instead, be viewed as an attack on the traditional family as recognized in this country. It is a sad day for Iowa and for the country

Now, because of the ruling by the Iowa Supreme Court, gay couples can legally marry in Iowa beginning April 24. And Iowa, by the decision of the State Supreme Court, becomes the first mid-western state, and the third in the country, to allow same-sex marriages. I have long believed that marriage must be defined as a marriage between one man and one woman. To that end, we must pass a federal constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between one man and one woman. I continue to believe that neither the federal government or any state government should recognize same sex marriages.

As the late Cardinal O’Connor said, a domestic partnership law is legislation that says "marriage doesn’t matter." The Cardinal was right. Marriage does matter. Our true strength as a nation comes from our families. We must continue to fight by every legal method available to us to preserve the importance of the family as a unit and to amend the Constitution of the United States to define marriage as a union between one man and one woman.

HT: Chris Maiorana

Also, be sure to check out HuckPac they just revamped their website.

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