Oh it is that time again.  Your post to share a favorite link you found this week, brag on a blog post you wrote, say hello, ask a question, pick a fight (ok, we’d prefer you be nice), or share what is going on with your life.

Also since it is #followfriday on Twitter you can follow me at @shanevanderhart, Coleen is @coleensharp, and Eric (who has posted here in eons – hint, hint) is @EricAlan.  Also, if you haven’t heard Alaska Governor Sarah Palin now has Twitter – @AKGovSarahPalin (she already has over 11,000 followers since launching it on Wednesday and is following 45 – so don’t plan on getting followed back).  Please feel free to add me as a friend on Facebook as well.

My shameless plug for fellow Calvinist bloggers – starting a new blog network called Caffeinated Calvinists, if this would be a good fit for you I hope you join.  Also looking for sponsors to partner with Caffeinated Thoughts.

One last thing, Caffeinated Thoughts has been blessed to have some great contributors – Eric Goranson, Bryan Fatka, Emily Heikes, Dave St. John, and our newest addition Coleen Sharp.  Thank you guys.  I really appreciate it!  There is room to join this team.  If you are interested in blogging here – contact me.  The criteria is that you have a personal and growing faith in Jesus Christ, write well, willing to post fairly regularly (look to Coleen as an example), and write posts along the blog’s theme of “stimulating musings on the news, politics, culture, life and theology.”

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