And yet, the healthcare bill doesn’t exclude abortion mandates.  So another reason to be opposed to this healthcare bill that will increase taxes and undermine private insurance.

Kim Lehman of Iowa Right to Life writes the consequences of this bill there is not specific language on abortion, it will in effect do the following:

  1. Compel taxpayers to finance abortions.
  2. Coerce private insurance plans to pay for abortions.
  3. Force communities to set up abortion facilities everywhere in the name of “ACCESS.”

She says that the “breach in the new Health Care Reform Bill the Democrats are pushing through Congress goes beyond the radical Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA).”

Be sure to contact your Representative and Senator.  Tell them to (ideally) kill the entire bill, but at the very least make sure abortion mandates are excluded from the bill. 

If you live in Iowa:

Senator Chuck Grassley: (202) 224-3744 or Email Senator Charles Grassley
Senator Tom Harkin: (202) 224-3254 or Email Senator Tom Harkin
Rep. Bruce Braley: (202) 225-2911 or Email Rep. Bruce Braley
Rep. David Loebsack: (202) 225-6576 or Email Rep. David Loebsack
Rep. Leonard Boswell: (202) 225-3806 or Email Rep. Leonard Boswell
Rep. Tom Latham: (202) 225-5476 or Email Rep. Tom Latham
Rep. Steve King: (202) 225-4426 or Email Rep. Steve King

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