palinfarewellspeech Today’s the big day for Governor Sarah Palin in Fairbanks with the picnic there, and then the farewell address/transfer of power to Lt. Governor Sean Parnell.  This morning the Governor tweeted:

Beautiful Frbnks morn;cabinet members here w/me & LtGov to serve @ picnic,then changing of guard ceremony;Great to be in Golden Heart City!

You can watch live at 5:45p (CST)/2:45p (AKST) at KTUU, Fox News and CNNC-SPAN will be showing it from 9:10p-10:00p (CST) tonight (HT: Josh Painter)

Conservatives 4 Palin is updating often, and I’ll be updating as well.

Update: Oh no, major protestor turnout, LOL.

Update II: Going to liveblog her address, haven’t done this in a long time.

Update III: Fox News is going to carry it live, and rebroadcast.

Update IV: AP coverage on the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner website.

Video of Governor Palin’s Farewell Address

Part I:

Part II:

HT: Alaska Politics Blog

Update V: Palin’s last state tweet

Last state twitter. Thank you Alaska! I love you. God bless Alaska. God bless the U.S.A.

I don’t know if she’ll just switch over her current account since she said she’s going to have a personal twitter account or if she’ll start from scratch.  She currently has over 118K followers.

Update VI: Governor Parnell’s Inaugural Speech

Update VII: Top of the Ticket was present in Fairbanks.  Pamela Geller on what an American President should sound like.  Newsbusters – “In honor of American soldiers, quit making things up.” 

Update VIII: Text of Governor Palin’s speech up on Facebook

Update IX (and final): Pictures from ceremony and Adrienne Ross has a recap and a lot of pictures on her blog.

Check out Part I and Part II of coverage from this weekend.

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