Hey, guess what?  Even though Governor Sarah Palin has less than a week left in office, she had a 19th ethics complaint filed against her.  The usual culprit – Andree McLeod, and this makes her sixth one.

Governor Palin responded this evening via Twitter with several tweets from her Blackberry which I linked together here:

In violation of Ethics Act more allegations were filed today by serial complainer;gave to press be4 we could respond;ridiculous, wasteful… Some ask why not sue abusers of Ethics Act bc state wastes 1000’s hrs/millions of tax dollars to fight (and win!) frivolous charges, tho… it costs political critics NOTHING to file/play their wasteful game;They should debate policy in political arena,not hide w/process abuse… BUT if there was a suit to end public waste of time/funds to constantly address false allegations I could see perhaps a veteran filing it… someone who’s put their life on the line protecting even opponents’ right to speak & protest, was willing to die for freedom of press but… knows it’s shameful 4 valuable time& public resources to be diverted frm needed causes to deal w/this abuse of govt accountability system…

Hopefully these political critics filing this stuff (& some in press perpetuating it) appreciate the freedom to do so, protected by our vets.

I wonder if there will be an Alaskan vet willing to run with that suggestion.  If I were a resident of Alaska I’d be pissed about the money McLeod and others are wasting.

I responded, however, with a second donation to her legal defense fund since I hadn’t hit the max yet ($150).  If you haven’t reached the limit, or haven’t donated to The Alaska Fund Trust, you can right here.

Additional Thought: If you have given your max, you can always give to SarahPAC :).

Update: Statement from her attorney, Thomas Van Flein

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