Kevin DeYoung and Ted Kluck, co-authorrs of Why We’re Not Emergent by Two Guys Who Should Be, recently wrote another book (haven’t read it yet) called Why We Love The Church: In Praise of Institutions and Organized ReligionSteve had posted the following video promoting the book.

I’m not saying that local churches don’t have problems, but here are some reasons why I love the church:

  • Jesus loves His Church.
  • It is the Bride of Christ and the Body of Christ.
  • It is a place where I can go to be encouraged, edified, taught and serve.
  • Somewhere I can utilize my gifts in order to build-up the body.
  • Where else can I accomplish the “one another” commands in epistles?  (There are 33).
  • A place where I can go to hear the sound teaching of the word and participate in the ordinances of the church which Jesus commands us to do.
  • A place where I can experience corporate worship.

How about you?

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