I like Frank Luntz, I enjoyed his analysis of speeches and debates during the 2008 primary & general election Presidential race.  He is an expect on language.  What words work, and I respect his opinion.  I don’t always agree.  I didn’t agree with his assessment on her July 3rd announcement.

He was on Hannity tonight, and he thought she was on her game yesterday (I do as well).  Here’s video of that segment:

HT: Conservatives 4 Palin

I would disagree with Luntz that this is proof that she is running in 2012.  I think it is very clear she isn’t shrinking away from the national stage.  She is going to be a potent weapon in 2010 race for conservative candidates who are fortunate to have her campaign for them.

Other reaction:

Rush Limbaugh also asks what other elected official talks like this – regarding the media and the growth of government?  (I know not all of my readers are Rush fans, and I can’t say I listen to him much, but he does provide some interesting commentary.)  There is a lot of reaction.  Her speech was at the top of Memorandum and Drudge for a good part of the day (no longer as there are other newsworthy items). 

I can’t possibly bring all of that to you, but if you would like a break down of the good, the bad, and the ugly I would commend to you Conservatives 4 Palin and Texas for Sarah Palin.

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