According to Robert Gibbs, these are just “generated.”  The DNC says people aren’t genuinely upset, the GOP is inciting these people.  Well there was another “staged” rally up in Green Bay, WI… you know, another Republican stronghold.  Here’s the video of a “listening session” with Representative Steve Kagen (D-WI).

I guess Gibbs and the DNC can continue on with wishful thinking.  Oh hey, be sure to report these activities to the White House!

Update: Kate reminded me of somebody else who “manufactured” this type of dissent.  I wonder who that might be?

Update II: President Obama sent an email out urging opposition to the health care opposition at these townhall meetings.  What a great example of grassroots activism.

Update III: It’s also best to also arm yourself with good information before going to one of these townhall meetings or “listening sessions” with your congressman or senator.

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