Major Garrett of Fox News and White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs tussled over the White House email distribution list.  How did they decide who to send emails to?  Why are people who have never signed up at the White House website suddenly getting emails from David Axelrod, the senior political advisor to the President?

Watch below:

I know for a fact that the White House is sending out unsolicited email because I’ve been the recepient of at least three emails from David Axelrod (this was even before the Big Brother episode where I did send them an email, but sending someone an email does not mean I approve of being added to a distribution list).

Even today I received an email from him “debunking” the “myths” that critics of the plan have put forth. Here is the original email in Outlook form and if you can’t open that here is the pdf version.

In the eight years of the Bush administration I sent numerous emails to the White House, but never once did I get an unsolicited email from them. Why am I suddenly getting them from the White House? At least they offer an unsubscribe feature at the bottom, otherwise they would be in violation of The CAN-SPAM Act of 2003. But that still leaves us with the nagging question… how did they get the email addresses in the first place?

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