Photo taken by Erik Ullestad

My phone went dead on Sunday, and Monday after I finally found a charger I was able to retrieve some voicemail messages.  One was from my Uncle Russ who lives in Eldora.  He couldn’t get a hold of my parents to let them know they were all right after Sunday’s storm.  Having been up in Northern Minnesota, I didn’t hear anything about it.

Baseball size hail and wind gusts of 70 mph.  They had windows break and screens busted.  Trees down all over the place in Eldora.  The vehicles that were outside their garage were totaled.

Erik Ullestad has a post up about going up to Eldora to serve.  My dad was able to go up earlier this week as well.  It’s a complete mess.  If you are wondering about the power of a storm like this, check out the video below shot by a guy in Otho, IA which is 60 miles west of Eldora as they were hit first by this incredible and rare storm.

HT: Gabriel Glynn

There were several joggers caught in this mess, and we can praise God that there were no fatalities.

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