Ok, not just tires.

I was asked by The Des Moines Register to contribute for an “From the Right” Political Blog.  I’ll be blogging there at least three times a week – unique content than here, more Iowa focused.  My co-contributors for that blog are Katie Koberg, who is the Vice President of Iowans for Tax Relief and Art Smith, who serves with me on the Polk County Republican Central Committee and blogs at The Conservative Reader.  It should be fun.

My first post – Deflate the Tire Tariff, I know an exciting topic, but it will affect consumers, especially lower-income ones.  So check it out and leave comments – especially friendly comments 🙂

The Register is also hosting a “From the Left” Political Blog (no not their editorial board) with John Deeth, a lefty blogging fixture in Iowa, and Connor Anderson whom I have not heard of before.  They are also hosting an “Across the Spectrum” Political Blog for those with no principles (just kidding).  Blogging there will be Graham Gillette who is a local PR/Communications guy, and Steffen Schmidt who is a professor of political science at Iowa State University and contributor for InsiderIowa.com.

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