I can’t condone Representative Joe Wilson (R-SC) yelling out “you lie,” when President Obama was saying that the health care plan would not pay for illegal immigration.  It was inappropriate.  It was also disrespectful to the President.  It violated Congressional decorum.

Even though President Obama was misleading the American people on this issue (one of several issues) Congressman Wilson should not have yelled it out.  Many of us were likely thinking it, I know I was, but a Joint Session of Congress isn’t a town hall meeting.  You shouldn’t even yell that at the President then.

He has apologized, as he should have.  Obama accepted.  So let’s drop it.  He knew he was wrong and it wasn’t conduct appropriate for a Member of Congress.  There are times when we should “call out” politicians on falsehoods, but that wasn’t the appropriate time.

But Democrats can’t let it go. Now Senator Arlen Specter (D-PA) is calling for a censure.  House Democrats want him apologize on the House floor formally or they’ll censure him.  Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) agrees with the plan after not agreeing with it.  MSNBC David Shuster calls Wilson a racist.

Hey Democrats and liberal talking heads remember what Senator Harry Reid said about President George W. Bush?  I know short term memory loss.  The only difference was location.

I’m still waiting for President Obama to apologize to calling Sarah Palin, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, Thomas Sowell, Glenn Beck, Family Research Council, and countless others liars.  So much for civility.  I guess it is acceptable for the President to do the exact same thing in a speech.  I won’t hold my breath waiting for that apology.

Update: Breaking news… Congressman Wilson took caffeine pills… back in 2007.  Well that explains it then.  Duane Lester points out that they are legal, unlike the coke and dope that President Obama took in his youth.  Not to mention that the late Senator Ted Kennedy was a fall down drunk at certain points in his career.  But by all means, go after Congressman Wilson for the caffeine pills.

I’ll go ahead and confess this before it becomes a scandal later on.  I too took NoDoz pills as a freshman in college, because I was having a hard time staying awake in my early classes.  I’m so ashamed… (sob).  Oh, and I also consume extra-ordinary amounts of coffee.

There, I’m glad I got that off my chest.  I feel so much better.

Update II: A brief history of Obamacare for illegal aliens.

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