In an interview with The Reno Gazette-Journal, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) when asked, “How will U.S. Sen. (Edward) Kennedy’s death affect things?”

I think it’s going to help us. He hasn’t been around for some time. We’re going to have a new chairman of that committee, it’ll be, I don’t know for sure, but I think Sen. (Chris) Dodd, (D-Conn.). He has a right to take it. Either him or (U.S. Sen. Tom) Harkin, (D-Iowa), whichever one wants it can have it. I think he (Kennedy) will be a help. He’s an inspiration for us. That was the issue of his life and he didn’t get it done.

Well, Democratic leadership has been certainly been taking advantage of the situation… let’s pass health care reform for Teddy!  They did the same thing with the late Senator Paul Wellstone (D-MN) so we now have the Wellstone effect.  Stay classy Senator Reid.  No wonder you are behind both GOP contenders in a recent Nevada 2010 Senate race poll.

HT: Glenn Thrush

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