It’s been eight years.  Remember the 2,996 lives taken at the World Trade Center, the Pentagon, and Shanksville, PA.  Let’s not forget the bravery shown by first responders, by those who risked their lives to help coworkers, the dedication of those who worked tirelessly in rescue and recovery efforts, and those who served and continue to serve in bringing justice to those responsible.  Don’t forget the families who lost so much on that day and continue to pray for them.  Never forget.

Our enemies have made the mistake that America’s enemies always make. They saw liberty and thought they saw weakness. And now, they see defeat.

– George W. Bush, 43rd President of the United States

What do you remember about that day?

Update: I just realized I didn’t write about my recollection of the day.  I remember teaching at South Haven Christian School near Valparaiso, IN, and having somebody from the office come in and tell us about the first plane.  Which at the time we thought it was an accident.  Then the other planes hit and we knew it wasn’t an accident.  We called a special chapel session that day to pray for a fourth plane that was still in the air and was likely high jacked.  I felt sick watching people jump from the WTC.  I felt sorrow for those families that wouldn’t have their loved ones returning that day.  The day was pretty much a blur.

Also Sarah Palin reminded me of something else we should be doing today, and I could kick myself for not saying it in the original post – take time to thank a veteran today.  So to any vet who reads this post I would like to say thank you.  I appreciate you, your service and your sacrifice.  I thank you for your commitment to protecting our freedom.

I’d also like to thank any firefighters, police officers, and EMS who faithfully serve our communities as well.  People may look to celebrities and other national figures, but you are our true heroes.  Thank you.

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