I haven’t forgotten about the NY 23 Congressional Race.  If you didn’t believe the previous two polls, perhaps you’ll believe the latest poll taken after Sarah Palin’s endorsement, Governor Tim Pawlenty’s endorsement and national media attention:

Political Wire reports:

A DailyKos/Research 2000 poll confirms that Dede Scozzafava (R) has lost ground in New York’s 23rd congressional district and that Bill Owens (D) and Doug Hoffman (C) are now running "neck and neck."

Owens leads Hoffman by just one point, 33% to 32%, followed by Scozzafava at 21%.

That is a 10 9 (yeah I can add… it’s the cold medication) pt. increase from the last Kos poll which had Bill Owens (D) 35%, Dede Scozzafava (R)30% and Doug Hoffman (C) 23%.

Real Clear Politics says that Republican Dede Scozzfava now seems like an afterthought.  Texas Governor Rick Perry has now thrown his support behind Hoffman.

Since Newt Gingrich’s endorsement has seemingly backfired, it looks like he may interject himself into the Iowa Republican Gubernatorial Primary:

But Gingrich also warned Republicans they cannot alienate centrist Republicans or GOP-leaning independents who have fallen away from the party.

But I guess it’s ok for them to alienate social conservatives.  I would caution any of the seven GOP candidates to reject a Gingrich endorsement.  It’s a kiss of death.

Update: Jim Geraghty points out that Newt has asked for abuse one more time when he harps about people outside the district weighing in on the NY 23 race (which obviously he misses the irony that he’s doing the exact same thing).  In some cases he’s right, but in Scozzafava’s case:

Sorry, Newt. That’s not a bridge too far, that’s an overpass so remote that it takes the light from it several years to reach us.

Hey Newt, please stay out of the Iowa gubernatorial race… you know let Iowa’s voters decide.

2nd Update: Former Governor of New York, George Pataki, endorses Doug Hoffman.  Video here.  (HT: Bryan Pick via email)

Newt, he’s local and supporting Hoffman.  Does that mean you should shut up?

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