Dave Price is a reporter and anchor for WHO-TV, he blogs at Price of Politics, and also hosts a radio show called “Purple Matters” on Des Moines Local Live.  Since my post on former Governor Branstad he had me come on.  Not only did we talk about the 2010 Iowa Gubernatorial Race and former Governor Terry Branstad.  He also asked me my thoughts on the Politico story which “manufactured” a controversy regarding Sarah Palin being invited to speak for Iowa Family Policy Center which ended up being completely debunked.

You can watch here or below.

He also asked me about her upcoming book tour.  She just released a sneak peak of some of the promo interviews which I didn’t get a chance to read before the interview.

I am very, very excited about the upcoming road trip for my book. It will be an honor to meet as many of you as possible!

“Going Rogue” publisher HarperCollins is working hard to schedule book signings across the nation, and we’ll be announcing the locations in the next day or two. I’ve decided to travel to cities outside of the typical book tour venues, and I hope to cover as much of the country as I can.

We’re in the process of arranging interviews with local and national media. An interview with Oprah Winfrey is already scheduled, and I’m also hoping to have the opportunity to talk with Bill O’Reilly, Barbara Walters, Sean Hannity, Greta Van Susteren, Glenn Beck, Rush Limbaugh, Mark Levin, Laura Ingraham, Dennis Miller, Tammy Bruce, and others, including local Alaska personalities Bob & Mark and Eddie Burke. (Variety is the spice of life!)

Can’t wait to hit the road. Can’t wait to see you!

– Sarah Palin

Update: Josh has some of the book tour locations listed… so far no Des Moines, but we’ll see.

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