IMGP2307 Sitting at Bloggers row at the Republican Party of Iowa “Leadership for Iowa” event.

One thing I’ve learned, comparing myself to Grant Young at Questions, Comments & Insults, I really suck as an interviewer.  The life of the blogger row party.

Spoke with Pat Bertroche who is a Congressional Candidate for the 3rd district.  He’s running because his son challenged him to… I’ll have some video for that.  Thanks for stopping by Pat!

Chris Reed, running for Congress in the 2nd District said he’d not make this race so personal like he did in his failed Senate bid when he ran against Senator Tom Harkin in 2008.  Video on him as well.

Matt Schultz, a candidate for Secretary of State said that his top priority will be business.  He wants to help make Iowa business-friendly in order to spur on job creation.  He also wants to reform election laws  to require a photo ID, and is concerned about same-day voter registration.  He wants to require provisional ballots.  “I want more people to vote, but I want to make sure they are eligible.”  Trust, but verify… Matt, you should put that on your yard sign.

Will update… check back!

5:50p – Tim Albrecht, Governor Branstad’s communications guy came by, but we talked more about the Tea Party and The Bean Walker.  He’s still looking for somebody to run it during the primaries.

6:01p – Got some chow, and spoke with Matthew Alcazar who is an independent candidate (why is he here?) running for the Iowa House in District 49 (Fort Dodge).  He’s always been independent, and so to just get into a party to run for office would be akin to changing who he is.  He does hope to be accepted by the GOP later on.  The incumbent for District 49 is Helen Miller.

Albrecht left his half-eaten burger here with Al Bregar and I, will it be safe?

6:11p – Terry Amman of Walnut Creek Community Church led invocation.  “As the pulpit goes, so goes America.”  So true.

Dave Vaudt, State Auditor, in a video greeting – “In God we trust, everyone else we audit.”

6:19p – Congressman Tom Latham did a video greeting, not able to be with us for obvious reasons.  He said he’s scheduled to vote on health care bill as we eat, but it looks like there has been a change in plans.

Video greeting from Congressman Steve King, a “great time to be an American.”  Talks about the PelosiCare bill.  “Our plan allows us to make health decisions without government interference.”  Talks about rationing, abortions being included, and how it will hurt businesses.  We need to rise up until this bill is “mortally wounded with a wooden stake in its heart.”

6:27p – Senator Chuck Grassley is speaking.  “We need to do our part to keep that trend (Tuesday night) that rejects big government policies.”

Raising taxes, raising private insurance premiums, increasing government involvement is not the health care reform that Americans asked for.  The requirement that we must purchase insurance is a violation of the 10th amendment.

“Tort reform is a no brainer when it comes to reducing the cost of health care.”  Will have video up later.

6:36p – Grassley: Hope and change in this new administration has caused fear.  We have clear choices.

If people think he’s riding the fence, I think can put their fears to rest.  He seems to be very much on board with the tea party agenda.

6:45p – Matt Strawn, the RPI Chair… “Iowans need leadership and Chet Culver isn’t providing it.  Iowans are desperate for competent and disciplined leadership.”  Introducing Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty…

6:56p – Tim Pawlenty is reminding about how after the Iowa Caucus, President Obama how he promised to garner bipartisan support for health care reform…. Guess that didn’t happen.

He asks aren’t you embarrassed when the U.S. Secretary of State goes to China on bended knee to ask them to buy our debt?  Aren’t you embarrassed that the President of France lectures us about appeasement?

7:06p – “The only thing growing faster than the national debt is the man crush that Chris Matthews has for Barack Obama.”  I’m going to do a separate post for Pawlenty.

7:18p – Gubernatorial candidates are up, I’m ending this liveblog, that will be a separate post.  Interesting note… Matt Strawn & co-chair will not endorse in the gubernatorial race.

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