I can’t say I’m a fan of the 700 Club or Pat Robertson.  I do like David Brody who is CBN’s political correspondent and do read his blog often.  He had a chance to interview Governor Sarah Palin when she was in Grand Rapids, MI yesterday, and Part I of his interview was shown today dealing with her faith.

You can also watch the video on Brody’s blog (the quality is a little better). He also shares his thoughts on the interview here.  I’m still waiting to receive my copy of Going Rogue: An American Life, and will be interested in reading what she says about her faith.

Let me preface the following comment that it is a pastoral, not a political, observation.  I obviously have deep respect for the Governor and am a supporter.  So consider it more constructive criticism from a friend, not being slammed by someone who dislikes her.

As a former pastor and now a Christian youthworker, just from what I’ve seen in this interview, I’d like to pull her aside for some evangelism training and coaching.  Because what I was hearing in the interview wasn’t the Gospel (not questioning her faith, just a critique on how she articulates it), but again I want to read the book before I comment further.  Maybe it’s handled differently.  I certainly appreciate her willingness to share her faith with others and her boldness in doing so.

I also think the inability to articulate the Gospel is a common problem in the American church, but again perhaps she does a better job in the book.

FYI, I don’t believe this is a qualification for public office.

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