The second segment of her interview with Bill O’Reilly was on last night.

It was, in my opinion, her toughest interview.  He asked her some good questions, and she handled herself quite well.  The look she gave him when he mentioned sending the Gitmo prisoners to Alaska was priceless (an “are you crazy” type of look).  She handled questions related to Iran and Afghanistan well.

She also gave an interview for Dennis Miller on his radio show.

Some classic lines from Dennis Miller on next time she’s asked what she reads – “All of the newspapers…. except the New York Times.”

And “she’s twice the woman David Brooks is” (David Brooks is the faux conservatives at the NY Times who loves the crease in Obama’s pants.) 

Didn’t really reveal any new information, but he did have some listeners call in and ask questions.

Then the 2nd half of David Brody’s CBN interview with Sarah Palin.

Conservatives 4 Palin has the Barbara Walters interviews updated, and some video from 20/20.

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