Governor Sarah Palin had a chance while in North Carolina to have dinner with Billy Graham and his son Franklin Graham.  She did a short video for the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association sharing her testimony.  You can watch it here or below:

They’ll have additional clips that will be added to their website here (I’ll update as they become available).  More details from BGEA about their visit here.  Of all her accomplishments and decisions that she has ever made, this is by far the most important.

And it is a decision you can make as well if you have never done so.  The Bible says that all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God, and that the wage we earn for doing so is death.  But God in His great love for us sent His Son Jesus Christ to pay that penalty of death for us on the cross.  He died, so that you don’t have to eternally.  He rose from the grave conquering sin and death, and by His grace through faith we can be saved from our sin.

Just trust Christ and place your faith in Him and His work on the cross, ask Him to come into your life to forgive you of your sin and cleanse you.  Turn from your sin and turn to Him.

You won’t regret it, nor will you be the same.  If you want to learn more about having a personal relationship with Christ, please email me.

HT: Adrienne Ross and Fay

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