Maine voters yesterday repealed the gay marriage law that was passed by their legislature and signed into law by their Governor, John Baldacci, last spring.  Fox News reports:

Voters in the northeastern state of Maine repealed a state law that would have allowed same-sex couples to wed, dealing the gay rights movement a heartbreaking defeat in the corner of the country most supportive of gay marriage.

Gay marriage has now lost in every single state — 31 in all — in which it has been put to a popular vote. Gay-rights activists had hoped to buck that trend in Maine — known for its moderate, independent-minded electorate — and mounted an energetic, well-financed campaign….

…. The outcome Tuesday marked the first time voters had rejected a gay-marriage law enacted by a legislature. When Californians put a stop to same-sex marriage a year ago, it was in response to a court ruling, not legislation.

Five other states have legalized gay marriage — starting with Massachusetts in 2004, and followed by Vermont, New Hampshire, Connecticut and Iowa — but all did so through legislation or court rulings, not by popular vote. In contrast, constitutional amendments banning gay marriage have been approved in all 30 states where they have been on the ballot.

Traditional marriage supporters were out spent two to one.  Over 8,000 volunteers (most from out-of-state) campaigned against the repeal.  The law had the enthusiastic support of their Governor.  This is in New England for crying out loud!  It was supposed to be a stronghold.  It also isn’t like Maine is a conservative bastion as on the same ballot they voted against a taxpayer’s bill of rights by 60%.

The message is simple – let the people vote and gay marriage fails.  Perhaps Iowa will get the message.  Chuck Hurley, President of the Iowa Family Policy Center in a press release sent late this morning wanted to remind Iowans of how Governor Chet Culver and the Legislative Democrats have failed Iowans to allow us our opportunity to vote:

Responding to the positive news from the state of Maine, IFPC Action President Chuck Hurley said, “Every time the people have an opportunity to support and protect marriage from radical redefinition they consistently cast their vote for real marriage, and that is why we continue to ask the Iowa Legislature to Let Us Vote.”  He went on to say, “Pro-homosexual lawmakers like Senator Mike Gronstal and Speaker Pat Murphy fight so hard to keep the Iowa Marriage Amendment from coming to the floor for a vote because they have benefitted from out of state homosexual contributions to their campaigns and their party that now exceed $1 million. They know the Iowa Marriage Amendment would pass without their obstruction. They also know that the people of Iowa will add the amendment to the state Constitution when given the opportunity.”

Hurley went on to comment on Governor Culver’s role in the causing the current constitutional crisis in Iowa.  He said, “Governor Culver once promised to do anything and everything to protect marriage from redefinition by the court, but when it came time to lead, he went dark and refused to honor his word.”  According to Hurley, “Culver’s refusal to confront the court has contributed to the creation of an unconstitutional judicial oligarchy in this state.”

States which have already affirmed traditional marriage when it has been on the ballot are: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, South Carolina, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Virginia and Wisconsin.

Governor Culver and Legislative Democrats, let us vote!

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