As I sit in the Bethel University grill, I can’t help but overhear the conversation next door.  A girl in her 20s is showing her brother how to make an online wish list and explaining how, using this certain website, you can combine all the stuff you want into one giant list with links to the specific items.  Of course there’s a handy “share” option at the bottom of the page where you can send the list to everyone you know.  Your friends can pick what they want to give you and even check it off so that two people don’t get you the same gift.

Maybe you’re thinking, “Handy! I wonder what the website is!”  Sorry, I have no idea.  But maybe you’re more like me and thinking, “That seems a little odd.”  What has gift giving and getting come to?  I know I would rather have something that was thoughtful and maybe not exactly what I wanted rather than something on a list.  And I’m going to be honest, I feel like it’s a little rude to email a list of shirts you want from American Eagle and crap from Target to people who haven’t asked you what you want for Christmas.

Just something to think about this season…

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