KCCI (a CBS Affiliate in Des Moines) reported yesterday about a woman whose application was rejected by Rotary.  They report:

A Des Moines woman rejected for membership by the local chapter of the Rotary Club said Friday that she believes it’s because she works at Planned Parenthood.

Susy Robinette said she has spent a lot of time looking for answers in the prospective member packet that she received from the Rotary Club of Des Moines this fall.

The Des Moines Rotary Club is one of the 50 largest in the world with 334 members. It recently rejected Robinette’s application to become a member.

"I kept reading through here. Is there something here I’m missing, but no," said Robinette.

Robinette is a former television news director and anchor who now is Chief Development Officer for Planned Parenthood of the Heartland.

Apparently just 11 members need to object to an application for membership in order to turn them down.

What do you think is this fair?  There is a right to association that is present and a personā€™s occupation/position on abortion is not a protected class so she certainly doesnā€™t have legal recourse.  She also may be making an assumption it is due to her employment with Planned Parenthood.  She also says sheā€™s disappointed and embarrassedā€¦ so she runs to KCCI?  What does that say about her?

Iā€™d love to read your thoughts.

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