I missed this on Sunday, but as you can tell I haven’t given much attention to blogging lately.  This was on Fox News Sunday, I’m not sure of the context of why they were talking about Tiger Woods, but Brit Hume said something you typically never hear from journalists.  You can watch below:

I love the fact that he points out there is much more important things than golf.  Yes he likely will recover as a golfer, but more importantly will he recover as a person?  I hope so.

Hume’s right in that Buddism offers nothing in terms of redemption.  It doesn’t offer any concept of sin, even though it is evident to most that he failed.  Big time.  Forgiveness and redemption can be found at the cross of Christ, and thumbs up to Fox News’ Brit Hume for pointing that out.  I just hope that Tiger Woods heeds his advice.

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