No this isn’t going to be a regular feature, but during my brief trip up to the Iowa Statehouse today; I attended an annual Concerned Women of America legislator encouragement event.  CWA the women’s organization that likes men, as they like to say.

Tamara Scott, the State Director (who I was on the radio with for SOY earlier this week) made a statement that I had to share.  She was talking about addressing social concerns within the legislature, how sometimes the social policy crowd and fiscal folks tend to bicker.  She said that you will only have good fiscal policy if you have good social policy.  That is true as poor social policy makes an impact on our fiscal policies, as well as, makes an economic impact.

She said in response to the hypothetical person who challenges our pushing moral social policy:

“They may say, ‘Keep your morals out of my bedroom,’ that’s fine… Keep your bedroom out of my pocketbook.”

Ah yes, how much do we taxpayers end up paying for poor social policy?  Way too much.

Side note: Tamara told me that she discussed my post on Governor Culver’s transgender day proclamation on the radio today.  Once I get the mp3 of that show I’ll put it up.

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