The Washington Post reports:

A Fox News executive says the network will shortly announce that the former vice-presidential nominee is signing on as a contributor.

Palin, who resigned as governor of Alaska last summer, will appear as a commentator on various Fox shows. She will also host an occasional program that will examine inspirational tales involving ordinary Americans.

Palin will join Mike Huckabee as a Fox contributor who was also involved in the 2008 campaign. The exposure can only help Palin if she decides to pursue a 2012 presidential bid. (read the rest)

Not a surprising bit of information.  It fits.  She has a journalism background, it will give her a venue nationally (on the top rated cable news channel) to address political issues of the day, and she gets paid to do it.

Looking forward to it, congratulations to Governor Palin!

Update: Politico offers up Governor Palin’s statement:

“I am thrilled to be joining the great talent and management team at FOX News,” Palin said in the Fox announcement. “It’s wonderful to be part of a place that so values fair and balanced news.”

Update 2 (1/12/10): Governor Palin asks via Twitter – “what would America do w/out Fox News?”  I know I’d listen to a lot more talk radio.

She debuts on Fox News tonight on the O’Reilly Factor.  C4P has the promo video here.

She was the subject of O’Reilly’s Talking Points last night and in a discussion with Brit Hume:

HT: Conservatives 4 Palin

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