Trained monkeys can not only help the disabled, practice martial arts, harvest coconuts, orbit the earth, but according to Iowa Gubernatorial candidate, Representative Chris Rants (R-Sioux City), they can also win gubernatorial campaigns (well against certain opponents at least).  In an interview with The Iowa Republican, Rants responding to questions about former Governor Terry Branstad’s lead in head to head polling against Governor Chet Culver said:

When asked about recent polls showing Branstad with a large lead over Culver, Rants said, “The problem with these head-to-head polls between Branstad and Culver is that, of course you would choose Branstad over Culver. A trained monkey could beat Chet Culver.”

And here awhile back Rants told me he wasn’t good for sound bites.  I laughed out loud when I read that.

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