SPONSOR:  House Labor Committee, Rick Olson, Chair

SUBJECT:  House Study Bill 702, An Act concerning public employee collective bargaining, including provisions allowing reasonable reimbursement for employee organization services provided to certain executive branch employees, and including applicability provisions. 

DATE:  Wednesday, February 17, 2010

LOCATION:  House Chamber

TIME:  5:00 pm to 8:00 pm

TIME LIMIT FOR TESTIMONY:  Individual testimony will be limited to three minutes

SUBMISSION OF WRITTEN TESTIMONY:  Submission of written testimony is encouraged but not required

TO SIGN UP TO TESTIFY:  Call the Legislative Information Office (LIO) at 515-281-5129 or visit the LIO office in the basement of the Capitol

TO SUBMIT TESTIMONY BY EMAIL:  Testimony may be emailed to the Legislative Information Office at  Please type "Testimony" in the subject line. 

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