The UK Telegraph reports that a company is Switzerland is making extra-small condoms for 12-year-olds.

Wow, great idea huh?

Called the Hotshot, the condom has been produced after government research showed 12 to14-year-olds did not use sufficient protection when having sex.

The study, conducted on behalf of the Federal Commission for Children and Youth, interviewed 1,480 people aged 10 to 20.

It showed more 12 to 14-year-olds were having sex, in comparison with the 1990s.

The Hotshot condoms, which cost 7fr60 (£4.70) for a packet of six, have been created by Lamprecht AG, a leading condom manufacturer in Switzerland.

The company has said the UK would be "top priority" if they expanded abroad, considering that it has the highest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe.

Nysse Norballe, a spokesman for the company, said: "At the moment we are only producing the Hotshot in Switzerland. But the UK is certainly a very attractive market since there is a very high rate of underage conception. The UK would definitely be top priority if we marketed abroad."

News like this as somebody who has worked with kids for 17-years just infuriates me.  Why?  Well, why is it that more 12-14 year-olds are having sex?  Our culture… the fact that underage, premarital sex has been normalized (and encouraged by many).  Then the fact they are calling this product, “the Hotshot” to make is sound cool to 12-year-olds is infuriating as well.

Then you see that the UK is a top priority for them since they have the highest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe.  Considering that they also have the most liberal approach to sexual education it shouldn’t be any surprise that they also have the highest teenage pregnancy rate in Europe.

But I know, I know… abstinence-only sex education doesn’t “work.”  Well, actually abstinence is the only thing that works 100% of the time it’s tried.  How effective do you think condoms for 12-year-old boys will be?

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