Jim_Gibbons Jim Gibbons, Republican candidate for Congress in Iowa’s Third Congressional District, announced today that he supports the 37 states that have decided to file lawsuits against the federal government’s mandated health care bill, expected to be signed by the President today.

“As an Iowan, I am troubled that the federal government is forcing Iowans to purchase health care. This is an infringement upon our own individual freedoms and upon our state sovereignty,” said Jim Gibbons. “I would hope that Governor Chet Culver and Attorney General Tom Miller would join the other 37 states like Nebraska, South Dakota, and Texas that are filing lawsuits against the government’s overreach of the interstate commerce clause,” said Gibbons.

According to some constitutional scholars, forcing individuals to make certain transactions, like requiring citizens to purchase health insurance, goes beyond the limits of the Interstate Commerce Clause. Forcing individuals to purchase a product or service from a particular private firm is unprecedented, according to Georgetown Law Professor, Randy E. Barnett. Barnett said, “Even during World War II, the federal government did not mandate that individual citizens purchase war bonds.” While states do regulate the purchase of auto insurance, citizens are given the freedom to choose from numerous different firms or choose to not participate at all if they do not operate a vehicle.

Gibbons added, “I am encouraged that some states have the ability to stand up and fight against an out-of-control federal government. Leonard Boswell should have fought to protect Iowa from this type of government oppression. Instead, Boswell joined his liberal colleagues in Washington to tax and control Iowans. I am running for Congress to bring common-sense values back to Washington and fight for working Iowa families.”

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